::About the Author of this site:: ::My Sciense Fiction 3D gallery:: ::Sciense Fiction links:: ::Voyager -  the Messenger of Mankind:: ::Sciense Fiction 3D links:: ::The 9 (10) Planets::
A message to you!

::How i work::

Important about my work
Dont compare my work with pro's and people who has 3D as their profession.
I just do 3D for fun and relaxation , in other words,  i'm  just a simple amateur. So please don't take this stuff too solemnly!

Tools/Modelling and Rendering "Animation Master 2000"


1) First a sketch of Alien Queen for long, long time ago!

2) Front view, early face stage

3) Body stage

4) The beginning of rendering/exporting an environment stage

Seee the final result, here!